Monday, January 28, 2019


I really needed the holidays. This year I was able to enjoy a lot of the things I love about the holidays, but most important of all was spending time with Bob. With the exception of the week before Christmas, he was home a full two months! We spent a lot of time talking, playing cards, eating out (more than we probably should have) and just enjoying being together. He had his tasks and I did the 'must do' list.

All in all, a really awesome holiday.

A huge thank you to everyone who stop by my blog each week. I promise to be more regular about my postings and give you something to see when you come in. ;-)

Now, I need to get back to work. 

One of the things I'll be doing new this year (aside from being a regular poster) is to video my gardening process. I should have the first one I filmed last fall up next week. I've not decided which day will be 'garden day' yet. Still working out a flow here. Since I've not really looked at any part of my blog planner except to put in the new 2019 calendar, I still have work to do.

While you wait for my videos (though they won't be as cool as Greg's) I invite you to check out the Maritime Gardening. Greg is from Nova Scotia and I am amazed at the similarities in our growing conditions. While I approach ours from a mostly straw bale angle, Greg is all about mulching, creating composting layers. Here's a video explaining the Ruth Stout method:

I also want to continue the parks and recreation aspects of places to visit and things to do in the area. Whether you're looking for a day trip, an overnight or a week-long vacation I will do my best to add to your 'must see' list. 

I'll be back on regular schedule next week. In the mean time, stay warm, stay safe and be happy!

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