Monday, February 18, 2019


Welcome to my backyard
As I type this on Sunday afternoon, the temperature is 35*F. 
Some ice is starting to drip but at 4 p.m. and the sun going down, that won't last long.
Nearly every branch is still coated in a frozen protection.

Like many places across the country, we have been drenched in freezing temperatures as well as a mix of snow, sleet, rain... you name it, Mother Nature has shared.
I keep telling myself this is nourishment the ground will need for spring planting.
I am blessed that I do not have to go out in this horrid weather.
Every time I hear of major accidents like the one  that occurred on I-70 on Friday, I have to ask 
"What were they doing on the road to begin with?"

Like the tragic duck boat accident in Branson last summer, these people were given 
Even if by chance they missed the news/ weather reports, being out there should have given them just a moment to think - we better pull off at the next exit and wait this out. 
If you are an employer, I would hope you would have sense to tell your people
"Weather is going to be dicey, take a personal day. Be safe"
"Looks like the weatherman was right. Why don't you folks head out early today. Be safe"

Then there's the folks who can't afford to lose a day of work. They've gotten themselves so deep into the 'gotta have' mentality that they have to get a full check.

Well, folks. I'm here to tell you.. and something I've always believed.
NO Employer is going to pay you enough to be critically injured, lose your life or take someone else's in an accident. If you are hurt, chances are you're going to be off a lot more than ONE DAY!
While you are out, 
your employer is going to be looking for someone to fill your spot while you're off.

I think if roads are bad enough that schools are off or dismiss early, then businesses should at the very least, go down to a skeleton crew. No should be out shopping/ eating, anyway.
They should be home - SAFE - with their family. 

I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Please comment below. 
In the meantime, BE SAFE - BE SMART - LIVE!

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