Monday, March 10, 2025


 Hi everyone!

I'm trying to get back to business. My studio still isn't in shape but I'm getting there a little every day.

As I look around at all the stuff I have, I wonder if it's really worth keeping everything to potentially lose it at some point.

Memorial Day weekend of 2024 brought a realization, that just because I don't live in 'tornado alley' doesn't mean this part of the country can't be affected. In fact, I question whether or not that alley is widening. 

If you watch THIS video from Jordan Hall, you'll see just how close the tornado came to my house. In fact, at the 8:42 point you'll see the cyclone begin to hover over my house for several minutes before moving on, as if it were deciding whether or not to drop a tail and have some fun. 

I know I can't live with the 'what if' necessarily, but I can do everything possible to be prepared - all of us can AND SHOULD.

In a couple of weeks, I'll be back to regular posts. I have an editorial calendar set up but I don't work well in chaos. I should have this mess reigned in in that length of time. I have to. My grandgirls will be visiting this summer and we need space to play with artsy stuff. 

I'm also going to be talking Pantry, Menu Planning, Garden, Emergency Preparedness and back to my Fly Lady cleaning system so I hope you'll stay tuned. 

In the mean time, check out THIS PAGE from the NWS Preparedness Week by state. Missouri is this week so I'll hope to have something to share on Friday as to what I've been working on. 

Be safe, Be prepared, Be Blessed

~ Kelly

Monday, October 2, 2023

A NEW MONTH - Decluttering Continues!

 Good morning, everyone!

I'm still waiting for cooler weather to move in and STAY! Because I'm such a hot box, I've still be running AC in the afternoons. I'm so going to hate my power bill.

First week of the month means I'm back in the laundry room & kitchen. Thankfully, since the laundry room has been decluttered I just have general cleaning in there and I can put up the Fall/ Halloween decor. That makes me happy!

This week, I plan to declutter the kitchen. I probably won't get to all of the cabinets as I have a jam-packed creative month over on the creative YouTube channel and Blog. If you are a paper crafter, I'd love for you to check them out!

The space above the cabinets really needs a deep clean. I'll start with taking down glasses & cups we don't use and packing them up for the thrift store. I also want to declutter & reorganize the food cabinets. I tried a rolling can dispenser type of thing but it just isn't working out. I also have canned food up there from 15 years ago!  Yeah, sad, huh? Thankfully, it's veggie pasta additive so I can spread that in the compost, wash the jars and can something I'll actually eat. Lesson learned.

Lots to accomplish today, and none of it involves the cleaning list. That will come later in the week.

What are you working on this week? Decluttering? General cleaning? Prepping for holidays? 

Be safe, Be prepared, Be Blessed!
~ Kelly

Monday, September 11, 2023

FLY LADY - Week 2 - Office


Good morning!

I realize there was not a Friday post as I'd planned. I was too busy actually 'stocking' my pantry to share with you. We'll get to that in a moment.

I did get the laundry room cabinets decluttered and the one drawer I needed for the food dehydrator supplies. I delivered a large box plus a small one to the local thrift store. I didn't get to the other drawers. Really, there is only one. I'll put it at the top of the list for next month - or hand it to Bob while he's home alone this weekend. lol

In the mean time, this week is all about the office. 
There are things in the living room that need to come back in to this space, but not until I get some other things configured first.

I'm still organizing art supplies.  Last week, I finally started breaking down Paper Pumpkin card kits from Stampin' Up!. Many were partly used, a few just opened to see what the kit was then closed and added to the stack. 
This is what I started with last week:

I've taken care of over half of this collection. Some are in envelopes to finish working up and others were nothing more than the tissue paper and the stamp set.  My plan is to finish those TODAY. Then I can use the work table to get other stuff organized. 

I have two 3-cube units to put together. One side should hold 'most' of my planner collection. Then I'm backing that with another unit in my 'sewing' corner but will actually hold writing related journals. I'm trying to configure that corner to have a comfy chair to curl up and write during the evenings for writing sprints or note taking. Still not sure there is actually 'room' in this corner but I won't know until I start configuring.

When I get this part done, I'll be able to put away printed planner items I've collected and sorted out on the sofa bed. From there, the sofa bed will get folded back up and ladder shelves put back in place.

I was initially leaving the sofa bed out from when we had company early last month because I was supposed to have company the last week in September then again the first weekend in October. Since neither of those are happening, I can get the furniture all back into place.

For now, I'm headed out to the garden to pick tomatoes. 
Last Friday I cooked down a large batch of chicken/ turkey carcasses I had in the freezer to turn into broth. I've had (3) 1/2 gal jars in the fridge letting the grease all come to the top. I can remove that this morning and get the broth into jars for the pressure canner. I got a good three cups of meat from that slow cook. I'm going to break that all down into two packages for the freezer. There isn't enough to can but from the freezer, the meat will make quick soup additions at some point. 

I also did and IQF (Individual Quick Freeze) of sausage patties. By freezing them individually first on a parchment-lined cookie sheet, the patties will retain their shape when I put them through the Food Saver. I do this with a lot of things I want to keep their shape.   So those, along with Tyson chicken nuggets will get run through the food processor this morning.

As you can tell, not a lot of 'cleaning' will be done this week but the food needs to take priority. As my mom used to say "canning doesn't keep".

What is your Action Plan for this week? What do you need to get out of the way so you can accomplish other things?  Let me know in the comments below.

Be safe, Be prepared, Be Blessed!
~ Kelly

Wednesday, September 6, 2023


 Good afternoon, everyone!

I have puzzled the past few weeks about resurrecting this blog and I've decided if I don't try to do too much here, that I can manage.

One thing I discovered is when I quit posting 'Flylady' and housekeeping stuff, I quit following my action plan - and the house shows the defunct plan. 

I'm gradually getting back on track and began working my house cleaning routine this week. 

This week is all about the laundry room and the kitchen. For this month, I want to focus on decluttering. I have a box ready to start adding items to for donation. There are things in the three laundry room cabinets we don't use. I also need to clean the 'laundry' drawer out completely. The drawer is directly below the new food dehydrator. I need the space to keep the extra screens and the dehydrating foods book. Time to clear the 'cookbooks' out of the living room and put them where they belong.

The laundry room/ kitchen is always the first week of the month. I'm pretty sure I won't get to decluttering the kitchen this month. I can do that in October.

After this post, all other cleaning posts will run on Mondays. Friday's will be used for 'Things To Stock Up On Now' kind of posts. I'll explain more about that post on Friday.

In between the posts will be scattered based on if something crosses my path I think you'll find of interest, basic preparedness or what's going on in my kitchen at the time.

I hope you'll come along for the ride. If you have wisdom to impart on any of my posts, please do leave a comment. I'd love to hear from you. 

Be safe, Be prepared, Be Blessed!
~ Kelly

Monday, August 23, 2021

FLYLADY - The Office Continues

 Good morning, everyone!

I'm getting closer.

Here is a picture of what the Scrapbooking/ Etsy corner looked like before:

And here's the after:

I had to get this corner done for two reasons. One, the Etsy cart was buried and I needed to be able to set up my scale and get to the drawers for packaging orders.  Two - there are two 5-drawer carts to the left. One holds Halloween and one holds Christmas items for junk journals. I needed access to the one for Halloween to do the August Junk Journal Challenge as well as prepping items for my shop.

This week, I'm headed here:

This is mostly done on top. What I have to focus on are the mixed media items below that need filed. I also have this tub (on the bottom of stack) to go through and put stuff away:

As I said, it is a work in progress but I am ...

Enjoyoing the Journey!

Friday, August 20, 2021



Good morning, friends!

While the above picture did come from Pixabay, those could have easily come from my garden. I've been picking an average of six zucchini about every other day. 

One of my favorite ways to enjoy zucchini is sliced thin, tossed in seasoned flour and fried in butter Crisco. I do my green tomatoes the same way... nice and thin so they come out of the oil like a veggie chip. YUM!!!

I can only eat so many fried zucchini. I also love shredded zucchini in Morning Glory muffins. I didn't want to take up freezer room so I went in search of whether or not they could be dehydrated.

Yes!  Those thin slices will dehydrate nicely. Not sure how they'd reconstitute and fry but I'm going to try.  I'll keep you posted.

However, the ones that have become quite large, I'm going to shred and dehydrate. From there I can either reconstitute the shredded for those muffins or grind up to a flour for all sorts of fabulousness!  Might even be able to sneak some in to things so Bob will get more green veggies. :-D

Here's the video I found. I'll also link Victoria at A Modern Homestead blog. Mind you, this is not her video.

Now if the tomatoes would just start coming in. 

Do you have a favorite zucchini recipe. Please let me  know in the comments below.

Enjoy the Journey!

Monday, August 16, 2021

FLYLADY - Still in the Office

Good morning, everyone!

I've had a productive week of sorts. To be honest, I can't remember much of last week  I did get the work table cleaned off. I also worked on my novel almost every night for a couple of hours.  

Before the clean up

Almost there!

The boxes in the far upper right are kits I need to finish. The teal is a planner organizer that will go on top of the planner shelf when that's finished this aftermoom. Stuff in the foreground most just needs sorted and filed into the ScrapRack. This should be completely finished by this afternoon.

There is still a lot to be done in the office but I'm taking each area one phase at a time. 
Taking one area at a time helps prevent over-whelm... which then prevents anything from being accomplished. It's the age old story of taking things One Bite At A Time.

The work table (which is worse than in the picture above because items were added to that empty space on the left during sorting of the filming corner a couple of weeks ago) is my main focus this week... and the surrounding floor area. I want to get back to my junk journals this week and I have deadlines for getting stuff in the shop.  A lot of fall-colored items go up this week and I hope to have at least 1 more journal and coordinating kit by the end of the week. 

I know from exeprience that my items sell once I put them in the shop so that has to be something I focus on. 75% of everything I make in the store goes towards paying off the house over the next two years. My greatest wish would be to get our loan away from PNC bank but that isn't going to happen. Interest rates are much higher now than when we refinanced five years ago, so I'll just have to work with them for as short of a time as possible.

That's my story for this week. I have to say I am enjoying the process and being able to have space to create again. 

My wish for you this week is to...

Enjoy the Journey