Friday, November 13, 2020

PREPPER FRIDAY - What's Enough?


Good morning, everyone!

As I hear the stories of everyone 'stocking up' and constant buying, wiping out shelves I find myself asking... What's Enough?

I'm pretty sure Bob has asked 'do we have enough, already' as he put together two new shelving units we purchased from Menards.

We have a wall between the shower room and Bob's man came. The side on the shower room is open stud. I saw this drop can storage unit on Pinterest and knew the studded wall could be converted.

 The wall is only about 6' long so not a lot of storage. Our canned goods overflow to a heavy duty shelving unit Bob built when we first moved in to this house.

In the spare room we have the two shelving units from Menards, an upright freezer that houses most of the meat. I also have four 5-shelf book cases that initially held all of my smaller pieces of fabric. I've since moved those to a storage shed in the back yard that I've dubbed my crafting warehouse. The Menards units hold paper and cleaning supplies. The bookcases hold all of our dry goods. I have one other bakers rack to move downstairs for all of the baking supplies. I want to add one more of the big shelving units to hold all of our water storage. Right now everything sits on the floor - in the way. 

So, back to the question. 
The amount is going to vary by the individual's situation.
I'm planning for a year. Not necessarily for another lock-down. (We haven't really experienced that here in the US like other countries) but should Bob be off work for whatever reason as well as working towards having a serious food supply for the early days of his retirement - which I'm hoping will happen in two years. 

What's your version of 'What's Enough?'

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